Single Page Display

• Aug 1, 2013 - 04:08

I searched the forums for this topic, and all I found was requests for a single *horizontal* page, where a score could be entered on a continuous staff from left to right.

What I would like to see is a *vertical* single page display. Right now, MuseScore lays the pages out horizontally, two pages at a time, to look like a book I suppose.

I've been a writer far longer than I've been a musician, so I guess I am accustomed to the layout of Microsoft Word. I would like to see my score layed out from top to bottom, and be able to scroll using a scroll wheel or sliding a scroll bar with the mouse.

Right now, when looking over my score, I get to the last line on the page, then have to drag the page to the left and down to get to the top of the next page. If the next page was right below the current one, I could just keep scrolling and read through in a more natural way.


Interestingly, I see what appear to be hooks in the 2.0 code for just such a feature, but no way to enable it that I can see, so I'm guessing it's not really there.

Just so you know, page up/down works to move to top of next page even in 1.X - no need to actually drag the page. Also, is there a reason you'd prefer this vertical arrangement to the horizontal one that most people seem to prefer and that *is* already implemented for 2.0? When actually entering music, the horizontal layout is much better, as you don't have to keep jumping from line to line. Main advantage to the vertical layout that I see is that you can deal with page formatting. But it seems to me by the time where you're dealing with that level of detail, the idea of "scrolling" doesn't really so important.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I think it's mostly a comfort level thing. Both the wife and I have writing backgrounds. We have spent years working with Microsoft Word. And we are VERY anal when it comes to page layout. We keep the View setting in MS Word always set to Print Layout, otherwise known as WYSIWYG. I want to see what I am working on as it will come out of the printer.

Also, I am not composing. I am either copying someone else's work, or copying handwritten notes from my own transcription of an existing song. I don't write any original music, and I think that may make a difference in the layout preference.

I am transcribing the drum parts of modern pop/rock tunes. Everything is pretty standardized in 4/4 time and 4 measures per line. So when I see the music that way, it makes sense to me. I can look at it and "hear" it in a natural rythym.

The horizontal layout seems to me like writing a magazine article all on one continuous line, with no returns or word wrap.

As long as you don't print it, you can change the paper format to an infinite length (or rather 2000mm which seems to be the biggest value that dialog accepts)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hey! That's pretty cool!

I just tried it and it works pretty good. I can get all my music in there, and then change the page setting back to normal when I'm done and make some final tweaks to the page layout. Thanks, I like that!

Just for the record though, I would still like to see this feature implemented. But this is a nice compromise in the meantime.

If the next page was right below the current one, I could just keep scrolling and read through in a more natural way.

Just a note to anyone still following along that the new version of MuseScore (2.0.3) includes an option in Preferences > Canvas to display pages in a vertical column. See

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