Splitting MIDI entered chord into voices?

• Aug 16, 2013 - 03:10

Hello, new user here, so forgive me if this topic has been talked to death.

I'm trying to clean up our hand-written barbershop music to make it easier to read. I have a MIDI keyboard, and I was hoping to be able to play in each chord and then split the notes into the 4 voices. So far, I've entered chords for the top two voices, and they appear to both be the same voice. The entire chord will swap 1 for 2, etc. but I haven't found a way to split them.

Is this possible?


There is kind of an indirect way to do that, but are you sure it will really be feasible to enter your music that way? Surely the song not just a series of four note chords - there are presumably portions where one or to voices move while the other don't? I have that trying to enter the music as chords and then deal with the moving voices separately will prove more difficult than just entering the music as independent voices in the first place. But I could be wrong. So if you want to try, see


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