Chords and lyrics only but with staves and notes when instrumental

• Aug 16, 2013 - 19:54

Sorry in advance for my english.
I would like to know if I can achieve what is in the attached file.
For those who can't read the attachment:
I need to make a Chords and Lyrics transposable sheet with no notes and staves.
But when the instrumental part comes in, the stave must show.

Thank you in advance.


Attachment Size
Ancora ancora ancora.pdf 88.5 KB


This is not easy to do in MuseScore. And as a working musician who has to play from this type of music sometimes, I beg you *not* to try. Please at least provide staves and barlines so we can see how long each chord lasts! Unless you are intimately familiar with the song in question already, seeing only chords and lyrics does not help you know when it is time to change chords.

So I would recommend using the Slash Notation Styles plugin to fill your music with slashes, then add chords over the proper measures and beats.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I need a solution and if I can't do it in Musescore I have to find out another way.
I am very familiar with the songs i transcribe.
I'm not good by ear so when I play for a singer and I come to a solo part, I have to read.
Often while I play, people ask me to play a certain song that I have, but not in the key in which it is printed, so I have to lower or raise the keyboard tone with the - + switches.
I really don't like how it sounds.
I prefer to transpose it on my mac and play it in the new key.


In reply to by nilom

You can do it in MuseScore... with transposable chords too... But you are stretching the limits of the software and it will be a lot more difficult than making what Marc suggests. See file attached, there are a lot of tricks used...
* Hide empty staff, hide measure numbers (check style->general)
* use 2 instruments (press I), invisible staff, invisible notes etc...
* Change upper margins for the lyrics (style -> general) etc... SuNTf9c_iNxsCtpWvDKBIwvdhiQkpmTxKQ_2KyLVIMY.png

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