Minimum stave distance

• Sep 11, 2013 - 03:18

1. Open attached score (produced in 1.3).
2. Drag the bottom stave up.

Result: The clef collides with the stave above.

Minimum stave distance.png

Discussion: Should we have an improved minimum stave distance that avoids collisions with clefs?

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (93ee3c9) - Mac 10.7.5.

Attachment Size
Minimum stave distance.mscz 1.35 KB
Minimum stave distance.png 22.84 KB


I think if the user wants staves that cose together, he should be able to get it. And if he doesn't want want staves that close together, he shouldn't drag them that close. In general, I can't see anyone complaining "musescore let me do X", but I can always see someone cmplainng "musescore *won't* let me do X". So unless there is really an strong reason to disallow something that already works, I can't see any reason to arbitrarily mode limits.

I'm sure once more automation is implemented, it maybe less necessary to adjust.

However, what is the point of allowing the clefs to collide?

In reply to by chen lung

First, with other clefs such as bass clef, or if the clefs are invisible, there is no collision. It's obviously not an traditional notatio, but then, neither are a lot of things MuseScore has to go out itsway to support. Here, it already works. If you want staves that d that, you can get it. Again, what purpose does it serve to tell people who want to do this that they aten't allowed to? How does that help anyone at all?

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