Time Signature Enable Editing option is greyed out Musescore 2.1.0. Rev 871c8ce

• Jun 28, 2017 - 08:33

The Enable Editing option of the Time Signature Pallette is greyed out and cannot be selected, so I can create new signatures but cannot drag them into the Pallette for future use?


In reply to by mradson68@gmail.com

"It is greyed out in both Basic and Advanced."
Indeed, it's what I saying, ant as expected in this configuration.

"This is the first time I have used it since upgrade of Software previously was able to create custom signature which are still available to use"

It's no really clear. Which precisely versions are you talking about?
BTW, have you right now create a custom workspace or not?

In reply to by cadiz1

I have been using Musescore for several years now and have updated several times but this is the first time I have had to create a custom signature to be able to modify palette.
But creating a customised signature has worked so you have answered my question. Thank you for your assistance

In reply to by mradson68@gmail.com

I think what you are missing is that you need to create a *workspace* for your palette modifications. This is as documented in the Handbook under "Custom palette", and it has not changed since the palette customization was first added. Probably you had previously created the workspace then completely forgotten about it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I cannot comment on your reply,
All I know is that the last time I had to add both to time signature and fretboard diagrams for mandolin I was able to do this without creating a custom palette, or it would still be there.
The customised time signatures and fretboard diagrams as still there .
The question was answered by Cadiz1 and creating a custom Palette"workspace" allowed me to do what I wanted so all good.

In reply to by mradson68@gmail.com

Right. To be clear: creating a new palette is not necessarily in order to add to an existing palette. But creating a workspace is, and this has always been the case in every released version of MuseScore. Once you have your own workspace, you can perform both types of palette customizations - adding new palettes as well as adding elements to existing palettes.

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