Voltas with "Hide empty staves"

• Jun 28, 2017 - 12:19

1) Load this file: volta hide.mscz
2) Style -> General -> Tick "Hide empty staves" -> Ok

Result: the voltas are always shown

Is it a known issue? I don't recall (of course, easy to get these voltas invisible)
Right now, after a quick search, I see this (but no sure exactly the same) : https://musescore.org/en/node/56441
Am I missed something?


I don't think it was ever really meant for hide empty staves to do anything meaningful at all if a system is completely empty - that is not a normal use case. Probably we should just always display at least one staff, and indeed, there is an Staff Properties option I implemented "Do not hide if system is empty" that is intended to allow you to specify which staff gets shown. I'd say results are "undefined" if you don't actually choose any staff to display, but perhaps ewe should just force the top staff to be displayed in these cases, as systems with no staves don't make sense.

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