time signature

• Sep 29, 2013 - 00:10

How do I change the time signature in a piece? I tried following the instructions but when I change the time signature that is only valid for the following measure. I counted the measures to the next time signature and entered the ts in that measure. I went back and tried entering the notes and it is not the original ts, nor is it the ts that I change it to. It is shy by 1/2 a beat. The score is included.

Please note: I am aware this is a copyrighted piece however, the band conductor handed out the music and the 2 2nd Flute pieces are so blurry it is hard to read while playing. I'm just trying to get a clear copy so we can play the piece.

Can someone help me with this?


Attachment Size


Where in the piece are you trying to change the TS? I dropped various time sigs into the piece and had no trouble with it. You are dragging a new one from the "time signature" palette, right, as that's the way to change them.

In reply to by schepers

Measure 35 changed from 2/4 to 4/4 measure 36 is okay. Measure 37 is incorrect. The last note should be a whole note but instead changes to a dotted 1/4. I cannot delete this measure. I read another post on the forum, deleted the notes in measure 37 and added the next ts at measure 65. That did not help.

Yes, I dragged the ts from the palette

In reply to by dallen57

are registered correctly.
Measure 37 does add up to 4 beats total, although you show no notes entered - only rests.

See the attachment which shows all the time signature changes being honored. Also, if you need a whole note in measure 37, click on the red note to turn it blue, then enter '7'.

Attachment Size
OVERTURE_time sig. change.mscz 4.41 KB

In reply to by schepers

Okay. I am attaching the original music received by the conductor. I cleaned it up as good as I could with a pen but gave up on that since the second page is even worse. I would prefer to read a clear piece of music.

The measure on the original is at 'C' or measure 53. Check that measure on the edited piece measure 38. And 37 shows the note as red. Could not change that either.

Sorry I am very new to this.

Attachment Size
Scan 132710001-1.jpg 839.98 KB

In reply to by dallen57

(Did you intend to attach an edited "Overture...mscz" and send a duplicate of the previous one ?)
In your post above: "time signature, Posted by dallen57 on September 28, 2013 - 7:45pm", you mentioned that the last note should be a whole note, so my reply showed how to put a whole note in that measure.
Actually, in 4/4, a whole note is not really the last note - it's the 'only' note.
Judging by your 'Scan ....jpg', I see a half note as the last note.
In measure 37, both your attachments 'OVERTURE_FOR_WINDS.mscz' (they are identical) show rests. As you mention in 'Posted by dallen57 on September 28, 2013 - 8:15pm' you removed the notes, which then left the rests. Judging by the three eighth note rests, followed by the dotted quarter rest, it looks like you had entered three eighth notes instead of the tuplet (triplet) shown in the Scan attachment.
See: http://musescore.org/en/handbook/tuplet

Attachment Size
OVERTURE_tuplet.mscz 4.78 KB

In reply to by dallen57

Regarding the trill line at measures 20-24, there is a trill line element under the Line palette which works, and you can extend it with double-click then shift-rightarrow.

You've also modified the slurs the wrong way, by dragging the ends (m7, 18, 30). Instead, you should double-click them and shift-rightarrow to adjust how far they apply. For the ones you modified the wrong way, select them and press Ctrl-R to reset them first, then adjust them the right way.

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