Creating folders

• Jul 8, 2017 - 05:43

Is it possible to create folders in Musescore to organize scores, as I woud in Word to keep documents organized? I would like to keep successive versions of scores in a single folder. It would be helpful to be able to do this, especially when I am working on more than one at a time. Thank you for your help.


In reply to by Laura Hofer

Just so you know, sub-folders are not a feature of any particular program - they are a feature of your operating system. That is, all Windows programs support folders and do so in exactly the same way. Similarly, all macOS programs support folders in the same way, and all Linux programs support folders in the same way. You can create these using the file browser that comes with your OS - Windows Explorer for Windows, Finder for macOS, or whatever your particular distribution provides for Linux. You can often *also* create them from with any given program via the "Open" or "Save" dialog, but even if a program doersn't provide a way to do that, again, you can create and manage folders yourself using the facilities provided by the OS.

For MuseScore, on Windows 10 at least, you don't need to right click to create a folder. When you go to save a file, you'll see a "New Folder" button right at the top left of the Save dialog. Same place it is in the Save dialog of most other Windows program. For example, this is how the "Open" dialog looks for MuseScore on Windows 10:


This is also exactly how it looks in, for example, Wordpad, and also exactly how the "Save" dialog looks in both programs.

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