Muted Trumpet

• Jul 8, 2017 - 09:06

For this piece I'm arranging, It includes muted trumpet part. I went into the staff text properties and changed it to muted where I wanted(Con sord). However, it doesn't make any sound in play back. The sound comes back when I remove the mute setting(Senza sord).

Attachment Size
Slava_Solo.mscz 78.88 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I would take a bet to say that this corruption is due to this known issue: #202271: Copy-paste sextuplets/octuplets and their removal leads to corruption
There is a sextuplet in this score, in measure 1.
And this corruption came most likely from a copy-paste and a removal.

Moreover, you can preciseley create the same configuration (and same corruption) of the measure 115 in this measure 1. Ie:

1) enter four 16th on first beat
2) cut the sextuplet
Result: you already see corruption.
3) Save / Close / Reload

At the opening (the file at this step: Slava.mscz), you get the same warning (so, now, twice!): Expected 2/4, found 6/16

- The same file now without corruption: 1Slava_Solo.mscz

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