Percussion staff: Using up/down arrows to change instruments

• Jul 8, 2017 - 11:02

Subsequent to #230796: Percussion staff: keyboard arrows move notes in wrong direction.

1. Enter a ride cymbal (D#3) on a percussion staff.
2. Use UP arrow to move it one step.

Result: The instrument changes to "Hi Tom 1" (D3).

This is contrary to what I would expect. IMV, the UP arrow should increase the MIDI note/number by one. Conversely, the DOWN arrow should decrease the MIDI number/note by one.

Request: The use of the UP/DOWN arrows to be based on the MIDI note/number rather than the top-to-bottom list order of instruments.


As I mentioned in that issue, time the current behavior is exactly as Inwould expect. The arrow keys move through the notes of your drumset definition exactly as shown in the drum input toolbar. They are listed in ascending order of MIDI pitch, and in every list widget I have ever seen, Up moves to the previous element, Down to the next. Reversing this would look very non-standard and broken.

As a simple analogy, imagine a drop down menu listing the numbers 1-10 in ascending order. You would use Down to move through this list. Yes the numbers actually go up but that is beside the point - the arrow keys operate on the visual appearance of the list, not the numeric content.

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