Other keys to jump lyrics

• Oct 9, 2013 - 00:43

Currently, we use the spacebar and hyphen to jump to another note when entering lyrics.

I wonder if we can use other non-alphameric characters, such as comma and full stop.

If multiple of a character is needed, the user could use 'alt'.

What do others think?

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (06153cf) - Mac 10.7.5.


If I am understanding correctly, I don't think automatically moving to next note on comma or period makes sense. For one thing, most people will be in the habit of typing a space after the comma or period anyhow, so you'll end up causing lots of errors of people accidentally overshooting the intended note. For another thing, it's entirely possible you'll want an extender (melisma line) after the period or comma, so simply moving to the next note won't be the right thing.

In reply to by chen lung

I've been typing spaces after commas and periods my entire life. So have you and everyone else in the world. And every other program any of us will ever use will continue to expect us to type spaces after commas and periods. What possible advantage could there be in having MuseScore become the one program that forces people to go against their lifelong habits? All it will do is make it harder for the vast majority of people to use.

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