Separate input of note tone and duration

• Oct 24, 2013 - 18:36

Hello everyone!

I have been a user of musescore for about a year now. I mostly rewrite the music we do on the quire and than practice with it.

Recently I got a synth and a midi to USB cable wich simplified the into of notes musescore. However, i still have to combine the keyboard to set the duration.

First, I was wondering if there is a possibility to separately input note duration, and after that is complete add the tones. The motivation behind this is to just insert the durations and pauses, and than play the tune on the piano to input the notes.

If something like this doesn't exist. Please advise me on the steps required to develop a plugin for musescore. For what I've seen musescore is based on Qt with which I have been working with for the last month and will continue to in the future.


Nothing to do with plugins, so you're in the wrong forum part...
but I'm affraid in a different one you won't get the answer you'd like to hear, as MuseScore only support MIDI keyboards for step time input, exactly the way you used it already.

Seems to me that 2.0 will kind of support the sort of inout method described, although it's hard for me to imagine it being anything but slower than the current method. First you'd enter the rhythms using dummy pitches - say, C over and over again. Then you'd switch to the new "repitch mode" and enter the actual pitches.

The act of entering the rhythms using dummy pitches would, I think, be only barely faster than doing it with the real pitches.

On the other hand, if you are entering something like a hykn, where several parts share the same rhhm, repitch mode will be quite useful. But you wouldn't use it in the way you seem to be describing, literally entering just the rhythms with no pitch content first. You'd enter an actual part - rhythm and pitches together. Then copy that to the other parts and use repitch mode to change the pitches.

In reply to by alan.martinovic

2.0 is still under development, so there isn't a full list yet. There is a short listing of new features at the end of the main handbook:

Also these in the developer's handbook:…

Mostly, though, one learns about new features by trying out nightly builds and exploring, also reading the Technology Preview forum, checking out the developers' mailing list and IRC channels, checking out the actual commit logs, etc.

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