Export to Midi

• Jul 15, 2017 - 09:17

I have tried, and tried to export a file to midi with modifications.
The modifications:
To take a midi file
import to Musescore
Adjust the Clef Changes (removing bass and treble clef changes so that the Treble is always Treble and the Bass is always Bass.
When I export it, and then re-import the file back into Musescore, I get the original markings.



MIDI files (usually) doesn't store Clef changes.
Although this information can be coded with Meta-Event; But I do not think there is any software that takes this into consideration.

When importing, try removing the tick in "Clef changes". Maybe this will help.

When I export it, and then re-import the file back into Musescore, I get the original markings.

I don't understand what you are trying to do. To what format are you exporting the Musescore file... back to midi?
If so, why export the (adjusted clefs) score, only to then import the score back into Musescore?

Midi is more a performance/playback oriented tool - i.e. a coded set of machine instructions for events like note on, note off, pitch, velocity, etc. - and does not strictly require notated score elements like clef, time signature, ties, etc.
That's why midi import/export does not produce 100% accurate forward/backward music notation translation.


As mentioned, clefs are not really something MIDI deals with in practice. The reason you see clef changes when you import a MIDI file isn't because the file actually contains any specific information saying to change clef, it is because by default MuseScore attempts to figure out for itself where it is worth changing clef to make the music easier to read. If you'd prefer it not do this for some particular score, simply uncheck the "Clef changes" option in the MIDI import panel.

If you continue to have trouble, please attach the MIDI file in question so we can see what is going on and offer better help.

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