Copy specific chords only (no measures)

• Oct 27, 2013 - 12:52


what do you guys think of the feature to copy chord names without copying the whole bars with melody material, just the chords only by holding strg + left mouse click on chord name-> drag to new place/measure. Or select multiple chords and copy by strg + drag to the new measures.

It would come in handy in my style of working. Maybe yours, too.


Would be cool, indeed - and I hadn't noticed that pull request.

Meanwhile, the standard way around this is to use a scratch staff to copy the source to - notes, chords, and all - then copy the destination staff (which presumably contains notes but no chords) onto that same scratch staff, then copy the scratch staff back to the destination. Works just fine, takes only a few extra seconds. But there are plenty of other situations where the workaround is not so simple, and more selective copy would be very much appreciated.

The pull request quoted above (// ) tries to address a slightly different need: to copy and paste a number of 'staff-collateral elements' previously selected independently from the notes / rests they are attached to.

This is mostly useful (or most evidently useful) with lyrics, to attach the same text to several points or parts, regardless of any other element.

I think it is also useful for repeating patterns of articulations, chord names or figured bass (which not so rarely tend to be repetitive).

This is different from selecting a stretch of music, everything included, and then copying and pasting only selected types of elements. This would certainly be very useful (and rather more complex to implement)

My pull request is more limited, but I think of some usefulness nevertheless.



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