Add swing/shuffle indicator to tempo instruction?

• Nov 9, 2013 - 06:06

I'm new to MuseScore, so apologies if this question's been answered.

Preliminarily, what a great piece of free software.

I'd like to include the instruction to play with a swing/shuffle feel, as appears e.g. here.

Is there a way to create that symbol or one like it within MuseScore?



The usual indication for swing would be to simply write "swing". The graphical notation you mention is misleading; swing is *not* the same as triplets. And you can edit any tempo marking to use the word swing. But if you want to use the graphical notation - if it truly is meant to be triplets, as in some shuffles - you can place it as a graphic. See

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for the reply. That particular graphic's been around a while and may be under copyright somewhere. I'm sure I could get away with using it, but I take copyright seriously, so I'll have to consider. As to swing, it isn't necessarily true that swing's not the same as triplets; sometimes that's exactly what swing is. It depends on the player and the tune. But the sheet music I'm creating is aimed at people who may never have played a shuffle, and the guidance, however limited and imprecise, could be helpful to them. Thanks again.

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