Courtesy Key Signatures & Time Signatures

• Jul 21, 2017 - 16:07

Is it still the case that courtesy key & time signatures are not shown at a section break?

I've uploaded the following:
Beethoven - Variations (7) on "God Save the King", WoO 78

I put section breaks after the theme and between each variation. A courtesy key signature is need at the end of Variation 4 (Variation 5 is in minor), and both a courtesy key & time signature are needed at the end of Variation 5 (Variation 6 is in major and in common time).

I resorted to a "hack" by adding a dummy 1/8 measure at the end of Variations 4 & 5, hiding the rests, and hiding the barlines. This kind of works, but the "measures" with the courtesy key & time signatures are too wide, even with the layout stretch at 0.00.

Besides removing the section breaks (because sometimes I do want a pause between variations), is there no better way to handle courtesy key & time signatures at a section break?


By definition a section break will reset time and key signature, that's the whole purpose of a section break in fact.
If you don't want this behavior, maybe just don't use a section break? but instead add a breath mark or a caesura instead and then hide it?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I guess I'm asking if, in a future version of MuseScore, there could be options to show courtesy key & time signatures at a section break. It may be redundant, but I feel like having these options would mean less typing/clicks than to (1) add a breath mark or caesura, (2) add a horizontal/text frame in the next system, and (3) go to Measure properties to reset the measure numbering. Just my opinion -- always looking to optimize my workflow. ;)

I guess it depends on how you define a "section". Some definitions might call for a courtesy key or time signature, others not.

I have always taken a section to be a movement (so long as we are talking about classical music) or a "song" (in iTunes). In this case courtesy signatures should very definitely not be there.

In reply to by azumbrunn

Normally you are right -- there shouldn't be courtesy key & time signatures at the end of a movement. However, there are cases where two (or more) movements are to be performed attacca, with courtesies in between. An extreme example is Beethoven's String Quartet Op. 131, where *every* movement (except for the 7th, of course), has courtesies at the end. If I were to notate Op. 131, I would put section breaks at the end of every movement, in order to be consistent.

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