Jazz Lead Sheet - Copying

• Dec 3, 2013 - 16:26

Hello everyone,

I've been lurking around for several years reading and using Musescore. Recently, I have been creating lead sheets for my iPad. I have no problems creating a nice lead sheet. What I would like to do within the same file is copy the entire page to a second and third page, completely identical. After doing that I would transpose the second page to Bb and the third to Eb. That way when I have a request I just find the song and no matter which horn I have in my hand I can flip to the correct transposition.

Also, is there a way to dynamically link the second and third pages to the first? That way if I made a note adjustment it would carry over to the copied pages. Thanks very much for your help.

Ted Maciag
Saxophonist, Brighton, MI.


Well, you can certainly copy content from one page to another already. Not everything copies, but notes and chord symbols do. You won't get a new title or other text elements, and certain manual adjustments won't copy. So I don't really recommend this as a method of creating multiple versions of a lead sheet. Instead, I recommend simply doing a "Save As". But perhaps in your case it wouldn't matter?

In neither scenario will you get any sort of link between the original and transposed versions, though. It seems possible that there might be a way to get something like to happen in 2.0 by using linked staves and linked parts. Those features weren't specifically designed to solve this problem so it might take some ingenuity to find a way of making it work. Feel free to download an experimental nightly build (see Download link at right, and don't worry, it won't mess up your current installation) and play around to see if you can come up with anything.

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