Jukebox possible ?

• Dec 18, 2013 - 21:13


Just downloaded all the Beethoven sonates (in mscz format): great work !
Now I wonder if there is a way to play them all one after the other in 'batch mode' (some kind of jukebox) without having to open every file individually.



In reply to by Thomas

Indeed, the 'real' stuff is much better,
but nevertheless there is a wealth of musicfiles which can readily be opened my Musescore without having to convert them
(mscz, mscx, msc, xml, mid, ...).
If I have to load each file manually (I have > 1000 of them), it will occupy me days and days just to listen & screen them.
Much more fun I could play them in a 'jukebox' manner while doing the washing-up ...

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I forgot to mention: I play the sax, my son the piano.
So we're always looking for new music to play.
Automatic playback of a bunch of files in different formats would allow us to sort out easily what we would ljke to play and what not.
After that we could print our favourite scores and studie the pieces.

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