Composer required, enquire within! $$$

• Aug 4, 2017 - 10:01


I am a finger style guitarist looking for someone to generate guitar scores of finger style compositions, I don't need the "full" arrangements, all I need is the chord/shape changes written in the background and then the overlaying melody notes on the staff.

(In summary just an acoustic chord chart with the melody/vocal notes written on the staff.)

So quite simple indeed, I could easily do this myself but with work commitments I don't really have as much time as I would like and would rather pay someone for the time, if anyone is familiar with Musescore and is willing we can arrange a payment method and set it up as I intend to create a song library of YOUR scores of course! compositions themes will consist of various rock and pop music etc.

To those who may know someone please feel free to pass this message along, if you have any further questions just ask.

Thank you


I've sent you an e-mail via the messaging system here requesting further details as to what exactly you're .
asking to be done. If you are still in need of help, let me know via email:

Either way or if not, good-luck with your guitar playing juxtaposed with work commitments.

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