Current nightly - 8/4/1618

• Aug 6, 2017 - 06:55

Found some things -

If I select a piece of music and shift < for a hairpin, it freezes. I can interact with the menus and close the score, but I can't do anything else with the score. This doesn't happen if I use the palette for hairpins.

I also can't undo - ctrl+z doesn't work. Undoing from the Edit menu works. Cut n paste shortcuts also work. ctrl + s doesn't save.

Not one hundred percent sure this is a bug, but whatever I do, I can't get voice one to be on the bottom. So if I want cues, but the actual instrument is resting, I have to fake it up - make voice two the rests and voice one the cues. That makes it near impossible to get full measure rests in non 4/4 time sigs - it's really hard to get a second voice in a 2/8 measure have anything other than a quarter note rest.

Text (staff text, expressions, things like staccato, dolce, pizz.) is really buggy right now. If I try to change whether it's staff or expression the text often disappears altogether. Auto Layout is messed up - text goes on top of rehearsal markers instead of beside them, and if you switch orientation to 'below', it messes up all the dynamic stuff - if I have FF <> below, the added text is below the FF, and one of the hairpins is knocked way down below even that.

What should happen there, imho, is the dynamic line, the FF <> needs to stay aligned, whatever is chosen. The expression text(dolce, marcato) should be above the dynamic line, but very close to it - there shouldn't be a need to knock the dynamic line down more than 1sp.

I think that's the big thing you've been working on the most, though, and I found that right aligning all the markers and the expression text helped make it look a lot better. Although the last rehearsal marker would always disappear when I tried to change it's alignment. I think maybe the most important thing to remember in regards to layout is that hairpins are dynamics. They should be aligned with all dynamic markings if at all possible.

Also, stems on the first small sixteenth note in a group doesn't connect to the beam, and any attempt to manually correct leads to a crash.

Oh, and the hairpin autoplace doesn't account for tuplet numbers.

Attachment Size
riteofspring.mscz 23.62 KB


From Downloads page: (Accents are added by me.)

"Builds that have "master" in the name of the download package are based on the development branch that will eventually become MuseScore 3, with deep changes to the code structure, many new features, and high instability. Builds with "2.2" in the name are only slightly different from the current release of 2.1."

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