Shuffle Beam

• Dec 30, 2013 - 07:48

As title
I want to write a drum shuffle pattern, but I can not link these 2 beams since there's a rest note between them.
See as "My Shuffle " attachment
But I saw there's someone who wrote a shuffle sheet music and uploaded it on the forum
(Shuffle example)
Can anyone tell me how to do it? Thanks!

Attachment Size
Shuffle.png 4.27 KB
Shuffle2.png 27.47 KB


FWIW, while it's possible to do this as suggested above, I think it would be a lot less cluttered to simply use quarter / eighth rather than eighth / eighth-rest / eighth. Means exactly the same for drums.

Thanks for your reply.
For drum, quarter + eighth actually equals to eighth + eighth rest + eighth.
But 8th / 8th rest / 8th is famous for musicians.

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