How to copy, paste orchestral score

• Jan 25, 2014 - 02:37

I've read how to copy, paste and insert but that seems to refer to a single line or voice. How can you copy several measures of all vertical voices and copy them to another point in the score?


Same process regardless of how many staves are involved: select what you want to copy, Ctrl+C, click where you want to paste, Ctrl+V. There are many ways of doing a selection, but a common one is to click the top left note then shift-click the bottom right note of the region you want to select. Or click the first note in the top staff, Shift+Down until you have as many staves as you want, then Shift+Right or Shift+Ctrl+Right until you have as many notes/measures are you want. Shift+Drag works too. These are all the same ways you'd select from a single staff too.

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