Note name display when cursor hovers over note

• Jan 29, 2014 - 17:36

It would be useful if the note name could be displayed when you hover the cursor over a note. When working with treble and bass clefs and lots of ledger lines it's easy to get confused when you're trying to check what a particular note is.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks, no, I'm afraid I'd overlooked the plugins. I've just tried it, but the result is rather cluttered with some names overlapping and not that easy to see which note is being referred to when there are quick successions of chords. Hovering over a note would be clearer and quicker for my purposes.

I think being able to see the note pitch as you hover over it would be a useful feature especially if you occasionally use Viola clef etc. and, as mentioned, when there are many ledger lines. I'd go further and suggest that it could also show note duration and velocity. These values are all known and it would be good to have the option of a small window showing those values as you hovered over a note rather than a plugin that labels everything.

I'd rather this be solved in a way that also improves accessibility. Rather than require a mouse hover, clicking the note should also (instead?) display the information in the status bar. Pitch, duration, staff, voice, time position all make sense to include.

To give an idea of where I'm coming from, I envision adding navigation commands to MuseScore at some point that would allow you to cursor through the entire score - every note, every clef, every key change, every dynamic marking, etc - with a constantly updating status line that a screenreader could read aloud for blind users. This would also address the concern raised here, although there probably would be no harm in *also* enabling a mouse hover to tap into this.

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