Excess space after title frame

• Jan 31, 2014 - 14:53

During the course of writing an arrangement or original work, a lot of unwanted space appears between the title frame and the first system. It's a shame that systems can't be individually adjusted to improve the overall appearance of each page. I've tried to use the scaling feature in Layout/Page and also adjusting the thresholds and system spacing, but I still find that MuseScore usually ends up sufficient space to fit another system on the page, but a large empty space is left at the bottom of the page. Perhaps MuseScore 2.0 should allow systems to be adjusted, or at least some way of setting the precise spacing between two adjacent systems.


You raise different issues, so please open MuseScore and load the default score: 'Reunion' and follow along.

For the title frame:
If you double click on the gray vertical frame which surrounds the title, a blue 'handle' will appear which you can drag up/down to make more/less room.
Alternatively, under menu item Style / Edit General Style / Page you can adjust 'V-frame lower margin'. (For example, change the 7.0 to a 2.0 and watch what happens.)

For distance between systems;
Under menu item Style / Edit General Style / Page you can adjust system distance for more/less room.

For *individual* adjustment of distance between systems:
Double click on the green staff spacer above measure #20, and a blue 'handle' will appear which you can drag up/down to make more/less room - i.e. to clear the 8va passage in measure 21.

For any large empty space at the bottom of a page:
If you prudently use the settings above (also others like accolade distance, upper/lower margins), you can often coax MuseScore to fit another system on the page.
If that's not possible and you wish the page to be filled, use the 'Page fill threshold' under General Style / Page.

Additionally, there are lots of other ways to tweak the score layout - some, like Layout / Page Settings / Scaling have far reaching effects. Others, like dragging title text to reposition it, produce more simple results.

Keep reading the Handbook...


As usual, attaching the score you are having problems with would help. I'm guessing the extra space you are seeing is simply the result of the page fill and that changing the page fill threshold in style / edit general style / page would give you what you want regarding the space after the title, but without the score, that's just a guess. Otherwise, you can adjust the vertical frame lower margin in that same dialog.

As for being able to fit more systems on a page - again, it's impossible to advise without seeing the score, but remember there needs to not only be room for another system between what you are *seeing* and the bottom of the page, but there also has to be enough room to clear both the page margin and the music lower margin.

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