Convert to CD?

• Feb 6, 2014 - 22:30

Can I make a CD of my work with Musescore? I'm writing a choir score, and would like to make a CD and give to the choir for them to listen to - is this possible, and how do I do it? Also, can I choose only one voice in a track?


MuseScore doesn't deal with CD drives directly, but you can use File / Save As to save to a WAV file, then use your favorite CD-burning program (eg, iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc) to burn the CD.

If you literally want just voice of a staff, that's tougher, but if it's really the whole staff, you can use the Mixer (View / Mixer) to isolate just what you want. If you have multiple voices on one staff, you could right click a note you want to *not* hear, select / more / same staff & same voice, then right click again, note properties, and select velocity user/0.

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