Changing the size of symbols

• Feb 15, 2014 - 10:12

Hi All,

Just started using Musescore and was wondering a couple of things...

if there was a way to change the size of an individual symbol (i'm looking to make a big fermata sign in a graphic score)

Also, I've been trying to change the size of multiple lines to the same thickness - the only way I can see to do this is to change them individually - is there a way to select multiple items and change their properties together? I tried cut and paste but it doesn't seem to work on lines.

Apologies if these are all basic questions - searched the forum but couldn't find any immediate answers!!

Many thanks in advance




These are good questions, unfortunately not ones with good answers :-). The only way to get a larger than usual fermata is to place it as a graphic or as text from a font that includes this symbol. And there is no way to change the thickness of multiple selected lines at once.

FWIW, 2.0 will improve both of these situations somewhat.

For articulations, there will be a global setting to change size for all symbols everywhere, and if you want just a single larger fermata, all the symbols from the music fonts will be available for use as text elements that can sized however you like.

For lines, you can set the default thickness of different line types, and you can also create custom palettes, so if you've set up one line the way you like, it's easy to apply that same line elsewhere. Plus, it's easier to change the thickness.

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