Turkish March(The famous A minor and A Major alla turka by Mozart not the B flat by Beethoven)

• Feb 19, 2014 - 23:17

In the Musescore file I have problems with the end start repeats in the a minor parts(not the a minor to a major). Even though I have irregular measures and the anacrusis it still does not repeat in those areas. I don't know why. I don't however have a problem with the Volta or any of the other end start repeats.

Attachment Size
Piano Sonata no. 11.pdf 1.77 MB
Turkish March.mscz 7.4 KB


You're missing a repeat at measure 69. MuseScore insists all repeats match or it can't figure out what to do.

BTW, it helps to pick titles that are descriptive of the actual problem you are having. That way, people know from the title whether the topic is of interest to them. And also, when people search on similar problems later, your thread will show up and they'll know it's relevant.

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