Playbacks ignoring repeats after a Da Capo

• Aug 28, 2017 - 10:22

So I'm doing a transcription of all 4 movements of Mozart's 29th Symphony. I'm currently working on the 3rd movement, the Menuetto. There are a lot of repeats in the movement, and a Da Capo at the end. I'm trying to get the playback to reflect how an ensemble would perform the piece, and after the Da Capo, the playback ignores the repeats, whereas in performance, the repeats are to be followed both times (the da capo meaning in this case "Play the whole movement again, exactly the same as the first time"). Does anyone know how to have the playback follow the repeats after the Da Capo? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Attachment Size
Menuetto.mscz 37.14 KB


You can't make the repeats play during the Da Capo. This is being worked on for possibly being included in 3.0. As far as Da Capo meaning play it exactly the same the second time, by Mozart's time Da Capo did not indicate to play repeats.

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