Chinese(Mandarin) and Hindi

• Feb 23, 2014 - 16:07

The 1st and 3rd most widely spoken languages with billions of people speaking! Why no translation?


We need to do a better job to attract MuseScore users who are capable to translate MuseScore in their own language. Currently we have just been supporting people who came by themselves with the request to translate MuseScore.

As soon as the future MuseScore 2.0 goes into string freeze, we will do a campaign to call for translators.

If you like to help translating MuseScore, here is the link to our translation server:

This is open source, volunteers are needed to do the work.
Chinese , Taiwanese and Hindi are available for translation, for the upcoming MuseScore 2.0, but only 624, 500, and 39 respectively of 3424 strings are translated, the rests waits for volunteers to do the work ;-)

In 1.3 partial translations for these (and other) lanugares are available too (but won't be updated any longer)

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