The "Search" box and "Filter".

• Feb 26, 2014 - 05:44

Would be handy to have the option Relevancy, particularly "sort by date" in its place. It seems somewhat restless.
A problem with the browser?

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Looks like when you search on the English locale of the site, you don't get the sort filter. I'll sort it out ;)

Update: The sort links are only displayed when you are logged into the site. First time I see this behavior and I don't have the quick fix for it. Will take some time. Thanks for catching this one Franz.

In reply to by Thomas

I'm here when I can (I have another PC that's waiting for me, every day;-)
Using Firefox 27.0.1
Using Firefox Nightly 30.0a1
On Vista (32).

(I would like to) I realize that there is a hierarchy of priorities, most pressing problems, but also the accessibility to information has its importance, especially in relation to those who approach MuseScore without very familiar with computers and with this great program.
I would prefer that there were equal opportunities for those who did log in and who did not, or visit pages in different languages.

Is only a reflection, not a criticism. Regards, Franz

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