figured bass on wrong staff

• Mar 6, 2014 - 15:21

I tried to use the figured bass. Ctrl-G, entered figure on a note in the lowest staff. After completing the figurebox jumps to the upper staff.. ?


My simple sample score (piano, 2 staff) didn't do that. It never jumped or moved, but I found I couldn't grab/move the figured bass symbol right after I entered it. What steps are needed to reproduce this? Post your score so we can try and duplicate it.

In reply to by schepers

It fails for me like it does for the OP using Promenade.

1) click first note of bottom staff
2) Ctrl+G
3) type 6, Tab, Esc

Result: cursor moves to top staff as soon as you start typing, but text enters on bottom staff; when you hit Tab, figure appears in both places; when you hit Esc, it disappears from bottom staff.

In reply to by schepers

Behaviour of my MuseScore appears to be the same as in the reply above by Marc Sabatella
I use MuseScoreNightly 2014-03-05-1709-4af604c / windows7

I selected the sol (g) in hte lowest staff, then Ctrl-G, entered 6, it remained there in blue until I proceeded, then it jumped to the upper staff.

This happens in all scores I open, old and new ones.

To add to the troubles: pressing space only starts play. Style settings can only vertically lower the note by 25 pts (too little) and dragging it down is possible but is not really an option

Attachment Size
2. Recitatief_FIGURED.mscz 5.87 KB

Using MuseScoreNightly-2014-03-12-1506-2277bc2.dmg (Mac).

I tried isolating the bass line in a separate test score, and the figured bass function seemed to work fine. But even then, as soon as I tried to add another instrument above, most of the figures jumped up to the top score (except for the 6/5 figures).

See attached Musescore files

In reply to by petergarner


It is to all evidence a regression introduced by some of the recent changes in text management.

I have added a (skeletal) issue in the issue tracker and I'm investigating it. Feel free to add more details here or there, if you have them

Thanks for reporting,


Recent changes to text management completely broke figured bass. I'm working since several days (I have only little time each day, though) to fix it, but it seems a harder task than I expected.

I am speculating about removing Text as parent class and re-implementing everything from scratch. This would mean re-implementing all the text editing functions, though...

It would also mean that it would be no longer possible to style figured bass elements differently from the 'main' figured bass style; in other words, the parameters in the "Style | General style | Figured bass" dlg box would be the only way to style figured bass elements (I wonder if anybody ever used the possibility to style differently different figured bass elements, though).


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