Import and transpose

• Mar 27, 2014 - 01:34
S5 - Suggestion

> I have an existing sheet music score for a viola which I like to transpose to a flute score.
> I followed all your tutorials however could not find a topic for importing existing scores
> I tried the following:
> I scanned the viola part using Windows 7 and saved the scan in a.pdf format.
> Next ,in Musescore - File - New - clicked on "Plugins" selected "import ABC" I loaded my saved .PDF file into Musescore.
> Here I need your assist,Musescore apparently requires a format other than.pdf.
> What conversion software do I need to satisfy the Musescore setup?
> Please direct me to a tutorial/handbook that describes the transposition scenario on imported scores.
> Thanks very much.


The ABC plugin is for importing ABC files, not PDF. MuseScore itself doesn't import PDF either. And with scanned files, I don't think there is any solution to this, but if so it'd be outside the score of MuseSore or any of its plugins. You could try PDFtoMusicXML.