Changing the key signature of the whole score

• Apr 19, 2014 - 04:28

Hey, i'm pretty sure it's easily solved but I can't figure out how to change the key signature of a whole score. I usually change it by clicking and dragging to the measure I want, but I got too much scores for doing this right now. Anybody can help me with that?


I"m not quite sure what you mean about having "too much scores for doing this right now". The method you describe is correct - drag the key signature to the measure you want. That works just as well if it's the first measure as if it's a measure in the middle of the score. Maybe you mean there are key changes in the middle of the piece you want to get rid of? Click them and press "delete" (Fn-Delete on Mac). Maybe you mean you want the score transposed as well? If so, select all, Notes->Transpose.

If this doesn't help, please post the score you are having trouble with and describe exactly what it is you are trying to do.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

What i meant with too much scores (should've written instruments there) was that it was taking too long to change the key signature of each and every instrument I have. What I meant was, is there a way to change all the instruments to the same key signature. For example, if the first part of my song is in Cminor (3b) and I want to change the whole thing to Gminor (2b), can I just select a measure and click a button that will the whole chart modulate, or do i have to drag and drop the key signature for every instrument?

Hope that's clearer

In reply to by mat.legault

It is. Unfortunately, there is no easier way in the current version. For the next version, dragging a key signature will do this automatically, but for now, you have to staves one by one.

Hmm, one possibility to get around that - select the whole score, go to Notes / Transpose, ask to transpose it to the new key, check the box to transpose key signatures, then do this again, transose back to the original key but this time don't check that box. End result *should* be a score with all notes at the original pitch but the key changed. No guarantees; make a copy of your score before trying this.

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