On Windows, when stopping/pausing internal synthesizer, pedal sounds remain active

• Apr 19, 2014 - 17:13

When you stop playback while a pedal is active, the sound rings for a long time, which is very annoying. Even worse, when you move the cursor to a non-pedal section of the song and start playback, it plays with the pedal effect, which is definitely incorrect. Also, when you begin playback in the middle of a pedal section, there is no pedal effect.
I think this is because the internal synthesizer only sees pedal-on/off events, and the state is not reset when you pause. When you move the cursor, the internal state is no longer consistent with the actual music.

Strangely enough, the problem only happens with one particular piece of music I'm working on.

Tested on Musescore 1.3 and 2.0 nightly 689ecfa.

Attachment Size
GCN_Rainbow_Road.mscz 7.6 KB



I discovered that this bug is not present on the first staff, but all other staffs have this pedal pause bug.
The first staff stops pedaling when paused, and when resumed, plays with the appropriate pedal setting for the new position, if the current position was moved.
The other staffs keep their current pedal setting when paused and do not load the correct pedal setting when you press play, instead continuing with the original settings until the next "event".

Pedaling appears to be per-staff.

Status (old) active needs info

Can you reproduce this with a current nightly build? I cannot - not with the score you attached above, not with a score created from scratch. So I'm inclined to close this unless you can still reproduce this in a current nightly build and provide precise steps - like tell us where to start playback, where to stop it, etc. I can reproduce in 1.3, although since it's just this score, I suspect the problem is with the score itself - it has perhaps become slightly corrupt somehow.