Another lead sheet question - rhythm cues

• Apr 22, 2014 - 23:26

Hi. Another jazz lead sheet question.

I'm using rhythm cues on a sheet in which the line in Voice 1 ascends up to the G above the staff.

What I'd like to do is be able to move the rhythm cues from Voice 3 up out of the way of the Voice 1 line without the rhythm cues adopting above-staff ledger lines (that is, I don't want to simply move Voice 3 up and pick up ledger lines, if possible).

My sense is that this isn't possible in 1.3 (Mac/Mavericks), but I wonder if I'm missing something, or if this functionality may be introduced in 2.0.

Thanks in advance for the help!

-- jeff


Did you create the rhythm cues with the Slash Notation Styles plugin? Not that it matters, just trying to understand what you are looking at.

Anyhow, it should work to move the notes using Edit Mode - double click and arrow keys.

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