Levels set in synthesizer save per score

• May 29, 2014 - 15:43

Basically, whenever I create a new score, or view someone else's, all of the settings I have set in the synthesizer (room size, reverb lvls, chorus, etc.) carry over. So if I want to change them for one piece, they then stay that way for every piece I open until they change again. Really annoying to have to remix almost every time I open one of my pieces I am working on...

What I am suggesting is a way to do it similarly to the mixer options, where the settings in the synthesizer, INCLUDING the soundfont used, are specific to the score you are using... It doesn't take long to do a first time setup, but really no 2 scores are going to need the same exact settings... They need to be different, and the current build does not allow that. Thanks!



Have you checked out a nightly build? Something like is already implemented. You'd have to try for yourself (see Downloads link in menu at right of this page) to see if it meets your needs.

excuse me if I'm wrong. I can save the settings for each individual score on a nightly, or for all of them. I attach a picture to explain it better (I hope) ;-) save in the score.png

Ciao anche a te Marc il veloce

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