simple integration with mp3 player

• Oct 15, 2017 - 11:38

I would like to propuse a new functionalitiy, I am very happy with MuseScore and I hope this is the place for this suggestions. Yo write my score from an existing mp3 that I like. Then I fix the compases quantity and speed to match the mp3 speed and time. Then I play both (mp3 and MuseScore) at same time, so I can see the score, the time and listen to the music all toghether. This is very usefull for me and funny cos I can correct the score if needed and I can see much faster chords and phrases as a hole structure of the song even before I finish writing the score. Now I do it manually and only from the beginning.

I would like to integrate MuseSocre with an mp3 player so (after I define the beginning point and speed) I can change the time point in MuseScore and mp3 would change its time point exctly at same point. Then I can play both sincronized many time as I need :)
I imagine we can send commands to VLC player to do that.
I hope you find it as interesting as I do.

Thanks for reading me
have fun!

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