program shutdown while editing a file imported through Audiveris

• Nov 8, 2017 - 13:47

The following score causes a program shutdown when clicking on the first break in the second staff of the last measure. It had been imported trough Audiveris before.

Attachment Size
Dona_dona.mscz 19.28 KB


Lastest nightly from the master branch claims the score corrupt:
Measure 26, staff 2, voice 2 too long. Expected: 4/4; Found: 108/4

Stack trace:
1 Ms::Measure::mmRest measure.h 243 0xdce628
2 Ms::Timeline::drawSelection timeline.cpp 1755 0x4c6057
3 Ms::Timeline::drawGrid timeline.cpp 1006 0x4c1fb1
4 Ms::Timeline::updateGrid timeline.cpp 2200 0x4c95d2
5 Ms::MuseScore::endCmd musescore.cpp 4688 0x49d7c2
6 Ms::ScoreView::mousePressEventNormal events.cpp 304 0x41b1c5
7 Ms::ScoreView::mousePressEvent events.cpp 328 0x41b438
8 ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent 0x207acf0d
9 ?? 0x2ab9f6c8

But that may not be relevant to where/how it crashes in 2.1.

Anyway, fixed score attached

Attachment Size
Dona_dona.mscz 18.95 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

By the way: do you collect problems concerning Audiveris also in this Forum? I detected a typical misbehaviour of this import for multi-staff scores: from a certain point in the score the first staff is almost correct while the following ones are imported with a certain offset (first note of next measure appears as last note of the actual one).
I could provide some examples of this that might be forwarded to the developer(s).

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I just re-did the import of the file (I had done this originally some month ago - in February to be exact).
The imported file does no more have this problem - so it seems the Audiveris conversion has been corrected at this point. So it seems it is no use to search for the reason of this problem (on Audiveris side).

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