pages/scores/staves additions and removals

• Nov 10, 2017 - 00:52

I want to have my first page have a body of words and the beginning of the piece with piano only. I would like a simple piano score (2 staves-f&g clefs) The second part needs S,A,T,B. The Third part has a solo and needs S/A, T/B. So, I need it to go from piano only to piano and four staves and then piano and three staves. How do I do that?


Under the Style->General... menu check Hide Empty Stave and remove the check from Don't hide empty stave in first system. I would recommend not using these options until the third part is done, so your unused staves are not hidden. I would make my score consist of a piano, S, A, T & B staves, then an S/A staff followed by a T/B staff so the visible staves are properly labeled since you cannot change the staff label part way through the score.

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