My first piece: Chord Test

• Nov 10, 2017 - 08:28

Dear all:

Just wanted to post this. I made a very short chords test using the computer keyboard. I am a new user of Muse Score, and I do not use the mouse. I'm trying to learn how to create music with the computer keyboard. Any tips on this would be appreciated. One thing I wonder is, how to I change the duration of a note without changing the duration of the note next or previous to it?


Attachment Size
Chords Test.mscz 11.87 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'll remember this, thank you for telling me.

I've got a question, is there any way to add multiple voices without using the mouse? I want to know, as I want to make separate parts for my music, it would make it a lot more interesting.

Thank you very much for your support in this. I want to make good music.


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