decrease stretch a litlle bit more

• Nov 11, 2017 - 20:19

I want my score on one page.
One clef line had three text lines and the all the rest had one line.
Then I added very few notes, and now I can’t find a way to
decrease stretch of the three-line portion just a bit more
so it will fit on one horizontal.
I “decrease stretch” using the layout tab, and it quits decreasing after I press it a few times.
I selected the three line portion when doing this.


I decreased the font size to eight, fits, but that is too small,
And I don’t see away to decrease the font size of only a portion of the lyrics.
I there a way to decrease the size of some or all note heads?

In reply to by hill0093

You can change the font for a part of the lyrics in a score, but it is rather tedious. You have to select each syllable and change the Text Properties for each. As far as noteheads are concerned, you can select several notes. In the inspector if anything else is selected there will be a notes button, otherwise you will see all of the note options. Among the notes options are two "Small" options, one under Note, which will only shrink the head and one under Chord that will shrink the entire note (head, stem, flag...)

We really need to see the score to be sure but if it's too many notes preventing you from fitting more measures on a line then adjusting the leading and/or trailing spaces to -0.10 or -0.20 can sometimes do the trick (particularly if there are a lot of notes of very short duration). Sometimes, though, It's better to adjust the lines above and below so that they have fewer measures and the whole score looks more balanced. If it's too many lyrics that are the problem then I'd usually just leave it rather than cramming everything together and making it hard to read.

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