How to move lyric word left/right towards unattached note

• Nov 28, 2017 - 11:39

Hello everyone
I added lyrics to a piece of music by attaching the lyrics to the soprano part. However, in some cases, it would look better if a word is under the alto note instead of the soprano note. For example:

01 what I have.jpg

I would prefer this instead:

02 what I want.jpg

I can accomplish that visually by simply omitting that word from voice 1 and then adding that word (and only that word) to voice 2, but I suspect that it is generally not a good idea to split text between voice 1 and voice 2 if both voices sing it. I can move the words left and right, but when I do that, the notes also move and I can never quite get the word under the note that I want.

How can I solve this?
Samuel (new user)

Attachment Size
01 what I have.jpg 9.81 KB
02 what I want.jpg 10.12 KB


In reply to by ugcheleuce

I am not understanding the problem you are perceiving with hyphens. To remove a hyphen between syllables, simply press space after editing the first. Hyphens are also remove.automarically.of either syllable is removed. Ctrl+space produces wrong results with respect to alignment and other aspects of layout as well as export and should not be used as a substitute for ordinary hyphens.

Another way to hack it (but also cumbersome) is to convert the quarter-and-an-eighth note to a quarter note and an eight note, add a tie, make them invisible, and then add a quarter-and-an-eighth note using voice 3 (set to "not play). In MuseScore it looks like this but the voice 3 note sitting behind the voice 1 note become visible when printed:

3 hack1.jpg

Attachment Size
3 hack1.jpg 10.02 KB

Changing some lyrics to voice 2 doesn't affect anything but the layout. When I've run across this in the past that is exactly what I have done.

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