
• Dec 8, 2017 - 15:00

Hi. I am new to composing and would like to buy a midi input keyboard. Does anyone have any suggestions? I would like to spend about $200, but am open to suggestions. Any make and models that work well with Musescore?



If the point is just to enter notes into MuseScore, $200 is way more than you'd need to spend - the most basic model would suffice. You don't even need sounds. Pretty much any model will do, but be sure it really is designed for MIDI. There are keyboards designed more for just playing around (with built in speakers, various effects and other gizmos) and oh-by-the-way have MIDI output, but their implementation of MIDI might be flaky.

But if you're new at composing and don't already know for a fact that's find MIDI input preferable to the regular input via the computer keyboard, I'd hold off on buying anything at all. Once you get more comfortable with how note input in MuseScore works, you may well come to realize MIDI wouldn't actually help.

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