Instruments dialog box showing "Treble clef" for Staff 2 after "Split Staff" of Grand Staff

• Dec 8, 2017 - 20:15

I performed a "Split Staff" operation on a Grand Staff, and it successfully split the phrase and moved the notes to the bass clef, but when I go into the "Instruments" dialog box, "Staff 2" says "Treble clef".

See attached PNG files for some visuals on it.

I'm a noob so maybe that column in the Instruments dialog is just an "FYI" and it isn't important.

In any case, I thought I'd report it.

Attachment Size
1 grand staff.PNG 43.82 KB
2 grand staff.PNG 47.67 KB
3 grand staff.PNG 44.14 KB


When you split the first staff into two, MuseScore saw there was another staff after the new one and just identified it as a treble staff, then applied the Bass clef to it since you split a treble staff. If you had split a single staff instrument, such as the violin, it would have created a second staff, said was a bass staff, then applied the treble clef, this is nothing to worry about.

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