Fingering position opposite to stem

• Dec 10, 2017 - 16:48

How can we let the fingering position be above the note when the stem points down, and below the note when the stem points up?


In reply to by frfancha

So, if I understand, you want the fingerings always near the notehead.
A solution (workaround):
- when the stem points down, the use of the first serie of numbers (Fingering) in the palette is always suitable for this behaviour.
- and when the stem points up, use the second serie of numbers (LH guitar fingering). By default, this fingering goes to the left of the notehead.
When it is done: right-click on a LH fingering -> Select -> More -> Same subtype (LH guitar fingering)-> Ok
And in Inspector, modify the setting as wished to place these fingerings below the notehead.

In reply to by frfancha

As workaround maybe I could imagine (without testing it) to define a new text style therefore with a changed vertical position and then selecting the numbers of fingering position you want to change via "strg" and apply the new style via inspector.

Any particular reason you are trying to do this? Varying the position like this isn't standard in my experience except for one special case - when multiple voices are involved. In these cases, fingering goes outside the staff - stem side. It's what we do by default, but it's the opposite of what you seem to be wanting.

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