How to set stretch to maximum in one command

• Dec 10, 2017 - 18:01

Doing ctrl -A and then keeping the key { pushed for a while does the job.
Can we set it to the max value by another command?
(As to reset it it is possible to do Reset stretch)


There is no specific maximum. It just stops looking like it had an effect once a measure grows to occupy a system unto itself. If that is the goal - having one measure per line - Edit / Tools / Add/Remove Line Breaks would do the trick.

If you mean minimum - which maybe you do? - then there is kind of a minimum, but it's deceptive because "{" moves in coarser chunks than you can get using Measure Properties. In any case, if the goal is simply to tighten the spacing score-wide, better to lower the Spacing setting globally in Style / General / Measure. Also consider the Minimum note distance (same dialog). These allow for tighter spacing than you'd get with the "minimum" stretch value, and it has the advantage of also apply to notes not entered.

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