quarter note triplets
How do you extend a quarter note triplet over a bar line? So in 4/4 time the quarter note triplet would begin on the 4th beat of the bar and end on 1st beat of the next bar.
thanks, P
How do you extend a quarter note triplet over a bar line? So in 4/4 time the quarter note triplet would begin on the 4th beat of the bar and end on 1st beat of the next bar.
thanks, P
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Simple: you don't. Tuplet are not allowed to cross barlines.
In reply to Simple: you don't. Tuplet… by Jojo-Schmitz
So what you can do instead depends on what type of score it is. Perhaps you can just replace the two affected measures with one 5/4 and one 3/4 measure. Or with just one 8/4 measure. I think it is possible to then add a "fake" barline on top of the tuplet to make it look like two 4/4 measures, but I am not sure.
I need a picture or just with a pencil to understand, because if you start at the beginning of the fourth time of the first measure for writting a triplet on a quater note, you don't need the second measure, a triplet needs 1 time. If you start on other beat than the first, it's very curious. Make a draw.
In reply to I need a picture or just… by Raymond Wicquart
A quarter note triplet means "three quarter notes in the space of two quarter notes".
In reply to A quarter note triplet means… by AndreasKågedal
Sorry, my French.........
In reply to A quarter note triplet means… by AndreasKågedal
To make the 1/4 note triplets seem to cross the bar line in MuseScore here is what I would do:
a) All staves will have that measure joined, there is no way around this.
b) There is no way to place a bar line in the correct spot to show where the first of these measures with the triplet actually ends. Placing it before the second tuplet does not accurately line up the beats with other staves/instruments.
- Create "normal" eighth note triplets in the last beat of the first measure and the second beat of the following measure.
- Enter quarter notes into these triplets (using quarter note symbol or "5"); eighth notes as always, the tie also as always.
- select one of the small triplets, set the bracket and figure to "nothing" in the inspector.
- Extend the remaining bracket to cover the whole thing.
I can't quite figure out how to do it for a triplet with two thirds in one measure and one third in the following.
At any rate I can't remember ever seeing something like this.
Edit: It just occurs to me that the same rhythm will be played if you just write it as two sequential eighth note triplets and don't bother to cheat with the brackets. So the correct answer to any question about tuplets crossing barlines is probably:
Divide the tuplet into two sub-tuplets, one to fit before the barline and one after. Then go out and find a musician who can actually play or sing it (which might be the harder task than writing it).