Why does my multi measure rest keep going at the end of my piece?

• Dec 13, 2017 - 00:46

I keep adding multi measure rests.... they keep going at the end! How do I make a multi measure rest in one part, at the beginning?


If you are looking at a multi part score, you will only see a multi measure rest if all parts have rests in the same measure. If you have a single instrument, then insert the measures at the beginning of the part and turn on multi measures rests (if not already one) and it will change as appropriate.

Multimeasure rests appear wherever the actual empty measures are. If you want a multimeasure rest at the beginning, then be sure to insert empty measures at the beginning (eg, select first measure, Add / Measures / Insert Measures).

Note however you would not normally be doing this at all - normally multimeasure rests are generated automatically at the time you generate your parts from the full score. You would only need to do things manually like this if for some reason you are creating a part in isolation, without the rest of the score it comes from.

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