Ghost Notes : notes being played during playback that are not in the score

• Dec 16, 2017 - 16:48

Good day all. Attached is a file that when played back has a few invisible notes being played. It appears to be associated with the grace notes in each of these measures, but we're not sure. It does not , of course , affect the printout of the score, but it is an odd behavior nonetheless.
Listen to measures : 1, 4 and 7 to catch the Ghost Notes. It sounds nice, but it's not what is written.
Version 2.1.0 871c8ce

Attachment Size
Gloomy_Winter's_Noo_Awa - Harp 2.mscz 29.39 KB


In reply to by cadiz1

Thanks for your comment. Perhaps for the purposes of playback, yes acciaccaturas might sound better , but from a theory point of view, these are supposed to be Grace: sixteenth and as such should play back without ghosts. A harp can not play a acciaccaturas because of ringing - by definition. Back to the problem, where is the ghost note coming from? Why is the "Graced" note repeating.

[A bit of experimenting here and we have found that if we change the dotted half to a half and a quarter and then tie them all together, the Ghost note does not get played. It would appear that the function of the dotted note may be a part of the issue.] Error on my part - this did not happen, but I left my thoughts in place.

In reply to by cadiz1

Note that, with a workaround, you can achieve the wished result (or a better result)

So, create another instrument (harp): copy-paste the content of the first one in the second -> in the second instrument, enter accacciaturas instead of grace notes -> for the first instrument, go to Mixer and check "Mute" -> in last, make invisible the second instrument in the Instruments dialog (shortcut "I"): 3Gloomy_Winter's_Noo_Awa - Harp 2.mscz

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