Where are some good places for crowdsourcing feedback on musical scores?

• Dec 17, 2017 - 02:52

I am not a musician, nor trained in music, but I love the MuseScore 2 software (thank you all for making it!) and was able to figure out and enter in a score for a song I wrote.

I know there are some errors in the score, but I do not know the proper terminology to properly describe issues or the knowledge to correct it properly. For example:
- When I play the score in MuseScore, it is too slow. Is that the tempo? Or is it because I used 4/4 or the length of the notes I used? Not knowing the correct reason or term, I don't know how to correct it properly.
- I have some "shout out" lyrics (I would like the singers to shout not sing the lyric) that occur during some of the rests. What is that called? Can I associate lyrics underneath a rest in MuseScore?
- In one portion, I need to elongate the notes but pick up the beat or the measure correctly ("Sooooo I'lllllllll..."). I'm not sure how to record it properly notationally.
- I have four verses (or is it stanzas?) that use the same notes so I was able to create four lines of lyrics underneath each other in MuseScore. Is there nomenclature to tell the singer to do all four verses before continuing through the rest of the score? When playing in MuseScore, it only plays that piece once.

My question: Is there a website or forum (whether here on this site or elsewhere) for novices where I can place the musical score and get some feedback on how to correct errors in the music notation?

I am attaching the musz file (and pdf) in case anyone is interested in seeing it. My very feeble attempt to sing it is here (an MP3 file): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XFwj4UMBSTPZlvWLYv6ViMf8GKPKzHdP . Thanks in advance for any response.



In reply to by Shoichi


Thanks for your help. I agree the handbook is my friend, but sometimes it's like looking in a dictionary under "f" when trying to find the word "philosophy" :-) If I don't know what a volta is, I'll never know to look there.

I made changes based on your feedback, and I published the score online. Thank you for your suggestions. https://musescore.com/user/27061256/scores/4858573?showoptions=true

A couple of follow-ups:
- I added a tempo mark of 160. It plays closer to the speed I was looking for. But when I publish it, the tempo is slower in the online version than my desktop version. Any suggestion why it would play slower online?
- I am still unable to add lyrics to rests. The staff and system text options put text above the lines, not with the rest of the lyrics, and I have four lines of lyrics to associate the "shout outs" with. I've attached a pdf with the "shouts" in red where I believe "shout out" lyrics should go. Any suggestions?

Thanks again,

Attachment Size
Song for LYF - shout outs in red.pdf 44.42 KB

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